3 questions you have to answer before you start designing a landing page

I am sure that for many of you, if you’ve ever tried to design a landing page before, you’ve wondered… “How do I even begin?” You have questions like: What information to include? How much information to include? In what order should I put the information? How do I structure the page? How many buttons/images/copy […]
Thoughts on starting my own CRO agency in Greece

Working as a digital marketing consultant the last few years, I understood something pretty obvious: My clients were under-utilising their resources. They were throwing money in great campaigns that were never going to deliver optimal returns. I was seeing all marketing agencies focusing on impressive vanity metrics and creating new fancy marketing assets, but saw […]
The 5-step method to maximize the value of your online customers

Most businesses online approach marketing it like this: “We’ll attract people to our website → They’ll see how awesome we are → They’ll buy.” Others, focus more on leads: “We’ll generate as many leads as possible → We’ll grow our list considerably → We’re gonna send them emails until they buy.” Fair enough. It makes […]
A simple framework to start optimizing your website

When people ask me what I do as a digital marketer, I always struggle to condense everything I do in a simple phrase. The answer I am testing lately though is this: “I am optimizing the experience in websites so that it’s easier for users to convert as consistently as possible”. It still sucks as […]
Google Analytics 1st time setup done right – Part 2: Views

We’ve already set up Account and Property settings in the Admin section of GA. Remember “part 1” of this 2-part series? Good. Now it is time to set up Views for the 1st time in our GA account. “But, Nontas, I have set it up already. It is not the 1st time I am doing […]
Google Analytics 1st time setup, done right – Part 1

93.5% of businesspeople consider Google Analytics valuable for their businesses. However only 26.01% of them have a “correct” setup. OK, The numbers are completely made up but I don’t think they’re very far from reality. In this article I’ll guide you through the steps of the correct initial setup of Google Analytics so that you can […]
3 meaningful ways to improve your business by researching people

Ok, let’s be honest. You’ve never done it. You didn’t pay much attention and you found dozens of reasons why it’s not time to do it. Heck, probably you didn’t even know why and how to do it. What am I talking about? Research. And in particular, market research. Not the kind of research you […]
Optimizing your website: “Best practices” are only the tip of the iceberg

Website Optimization: A brief intro My job as a freelance marketer is to help businesses create seamless, frictionless and pleasant online experiences for their potential customers. In other words — in marketing slang, that is — to build and optimize customer journeys. Sounds pretty vague, I know. Creating an effective customer journey can include many things. From how […]
How your cognitive biases can affect your own marketing & website optimization

As businesspeople, we care to connect with our customers and audience. We want to communicate to the world the value we are creating. However, we suck at it. We suck at connecting at a deeper level with our audience with our messaging, we become boring, we become generic, thus struggling with our sales and goals. […]
Using emotion to persuade your customers

You have these 2 chicken: Which one would you rather eat? If you are like most people, you’d prefer the white chicken. In a study that was conducted by neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, people were asked this question, and the overwhelming majority chose the “pretty” chicken. The reason provided by the participants was that “they value […]
On being an introverted marketer

Marketing and introversion. These words don’t go together well, right? It is rather “Marketing vs Introversion”. Marketing is all about communicating, sharing, being open and inviting, being impulsive, maybe showing off a little bit. Introversion is more about being closed off, living inside your head, observing the world, being shy and timid and keeping your […]